FireWire Top 5: Best People in the Firehouse

In this edition of FireWire Top 5 we’re ranking the 5 best types of people in the firehouse. These are the types of people/personalities that make the job awesome. We all know them, or we may even fit into one of these categories ourselves! So here’s to the people that make the firehouse a better place.
#5. The Probie
Looks like we’re off to a great start! All of us have been here before. The probie helps bring light into the firehouse. They already know that they’re way at the bottom of the totem pole, so they know there’s a need for thick skin. Additionally, they pick up the slack when it comes to cleaning and all the stuff that no one wants to do. But more importantly, they’re the future of the fire service. Everything they learn comes from the people they work with. You may see a Chief one day and think to yourself “That guy was a probie at my firehouse.” which is a testament to you for teaching them the ropes.
#4. The Humble Officer
Line officers come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are well respected while others may just fill a seat. The best type of officer is a humble one. The guy that you would follow into a fire without any second thought. They’re the type that will always be the first one to go through a drill and actually perform the task. These officers are great for firehouse morale, and also keeping everyone in line with no issues. They’ll listen to any feedback given, and give praise when there’s a job well done.
#3. The Chauffeur
The guy that gets you there and back! But not just that. These guys know their response area better than anyone else. Roadwork blocking the street? No problem. The driver always knows an alternate route. Also, rig positioning is extremely important at fires and these guys always seem to have it figured out. Kudos to them for getting us to the fire safely so we can perform our jobs, and also bring us back just in time for chow!
#2. The Cook
Everybody loves this guy! Always in the kitchen cooking up the next meal, or overseeing how something gets cooked. We can’t do our jobs without being properly fed, and these guys always have us covered. Aside from keeping our bellies full, a good meal makes for great table conversations, whether it’s typical banter, or a debrief of the last job. Shoutout to our firehouse chefs!
#1. The Senior Man
Always save the best for last. The senior man of the firehouse brings everything full circle. They’ve been around for decades and know the job in and out. They have overcome every obstacle there is to know in the fire service, and have adapted to multiple changes throughout the years. They’re always happy to help out, and boy do they have stories to tell! With that, they also carry with them the history of those that came before them. They were once a probie with a senior man that they once looked up to. Make sure you talk to these people as much as possible, and continue their legacy as you eventually become the senior man yourself.
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