NYC Fire Wire



News, History, Events & Incidents of the #FDNY. This page isn't associated with the FDNY (Fire Department City of New York) in an official capacity. All members views are their own & do not reflect the City of New York or FDNY as an organization.

“I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a firefighter.The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work which the firefighter has to do believe that his is a noble calling."

-Chief Edward F. Croker, FDNY circa 1910


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Reading Smoke

November 17, 2022

The ability to understand how smoke works is imperative for firefighters to know. We’ve used it for generations to help develop our strategies when it comes to fire suppression. For some, this may be a refresher. For others, this may give you some insight into reading smoke behavior, and why it’s important. For the most…

Collyer’s Mansion Conditions

November 4, 2022

As firefighters, we know that when we hear this term, we’re in for a rough one. For those that may not know what it is, it’s a term for a bad hoarding situation within a structure. Where did this term come from? Why is this important for us to know? How do we deal with…

The Backseat Officer

November 1, 2022

To be an officer, you need to be able to multitask. Sometimes depending on the situation, every part of your mind is occupied by what’s going on, and that’s ok. That’s why we have a chain of command. One of the jobs we have as officers is assigning roles to our crew in the back.…

Steps Between The Steps

October 25, 2022

Knowing what to do at a fire scene is the basis of our job. We have procedures in place to handle every situation we encounter. Sometimes, we tend to get tunnel vision and might miss an important step in our operation. Most of the time, missing one of these steps is minor and doesn’t really…

The 50/50 Game

October 19, 2022

When you’re in a position of authority, the decisions you make whether on the fireground or in the back office are going to have consequences. The consequences I’m referring to are the very members of your department. The fire service has an interesting mix of people with different thought processes and personalities, and it’s almost…