February 7-8th in the FDNY

Retired EMS Lt Paige Humphries, Station 16. February 7th, 2021
EMS Lt Humphries died from 9/11 illness.
FF David Muldrew & FF David Clute & Asst Foreman John H Bush Engine 30. February 8th, 1876
Box 0167 – 442-452 Broadway Manhattan.
While operating a handline, the 3 firemen were buried beneath a collapse of the south wall of 444 Broadway. Their comrades immediately went to work to rescue them. After considerable labor, they were brought to the street in the following condition: FF Clute & Muldrew were dead & Asst Foreman Bush was critically injured, he died February 11th.
FF Herman Staton, Military Service Unit. February 8th, 1945
Germany, US Army
FF Stanton was deployed with the Army when he was called for the Fire Department, he was assigned Military Service Unit. He was assigned to the 310 Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division in the US Army. He was killed in Schmidt Germany.
Captain William J Brady, Engine 35. February 8th, 1952
Injured January 30th, 1952, died February 8th, 1952.
Box 1540. 151 West 132 Street, Manhattan
Lt Joseph M Beetle & FF Stanley H Skinner, Ladder 143 & FF Thomas J Earl, Engine 285. February 8th, 1976
Box 6057. 119-25 Liberty Avenue, Queens
2 members from Ladder 143 & 1 member from Engine 285 were crushed when a fire weakedn roof containing a large air conditioning Unit came down on them & 6 other firemen. The 3 Alarm fire was in the rear of a restaurant & spread to adjoining buildings. The roof came down with out any warning & buried 9 firemen under tons of burning debris. Lt Beetle was 54, a 29 year veteran, recently remarried with 3 grown children. FF Skinner was 55 years old & a 21 year veteran with 2 children. Both of their grandfathers served in Ladder 143 over the years. Fireman Earl was the youngest at 42 years old & had 11 years on the job, married with 5 children. FF Skinner’s grandfather served in Engine 285 as well.

EMS Lt Edith Elda Torres, EMD. February 8th, 2017
9/11 illness
Retired LT Paul W Deo, Engine 317. February 8th, 2020
9/11 Illness
Retired FF Richard B Jones, Ladder 25. February 8th, 2020
9/11 illness